168: Overcoming Panic Attacks and Getting to a Place of Peace with FindingVegan’s Kathy Patalsky
- 09/06/2017
- Tagged as: 365 Vegan Smoothies, Allison Melody, Best Podcast about health, Best Podcast of 2017, best podcast on diets, best podcast on health, Finding Vegan, finding wellness, Food Heals Nation, healing eating disorders, Healthy Happy Life, Healthy Happy Vegan Kitchen, how to feed your parasympathetic nervous system, how to heal depression naturally, how to heal vestibular migraines, how to overcome panic attacks naturally, Kathy Patalsky, Suzy Hardy, The Food Heals Podcast, Tips for happiness, vegan podcast, vegan recipes
Panic attacks, depression and anxiety are on the rise, how can we overcome them naturally? Kathy Patalsky, founder of HealthyHappyLife and FindingVegan, has the answers! Discover tips to feed your parasympathetic nervous system and get to a place of peace and happiness.
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