Despite being a vegan, Chef AJ used to be overweight and pre-cancerous. She shares the amazing story of her recovery from food addiction, how she lost 50 pounds and completely changed her life. Find out the secret behind being able to eat as much as you like!

We talk to Dr. Angela DeBord Henriksen about moving away from traditional medicine, discovering the root causes of disease and how to heal the body from auto-immune conditions with a holistic approach and an elimination diet.

In this myth-busting episode we talk to Dr John McDougall about gaining better health through plant based food, and how a diet high in starches can prevent chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and MS. We explore the lies told by the food industry and set the record straight.

Get ready to be inspired by our latest episode, where we interview intuitive life strategist Alida McDaniel and answer questions from our FoodHeals Facebook Group about relationships, the spiritual aspect of starting your own business, vibrational energy and more. Alida also shares with us her quick and dirty tips for living your best life. Curious?