248: The Truth about Breast Implant Illness and Loving Yourself Whatever Your Size


Like so many of us, Christina Roulund was insecure about her body. So she got breast implants at 23, hoping it would be a miracle worker on her self-esteem. Back then, there was no real data about the surgery: it was supposed to be completely safe. And for five years, she was perfectly ok (even though the boost in confidence really only lasted a few months).


But things started going wrong… (~Exhaustion, forgetfulness, depression, anxiety~). She put it down to being a new mom, but over the years it got even worse… (~Hair loss, joint pain, no libido, out of control hormones, shortness of breath~). She tried everything she could: fully detoxing her diet, ridding her home of anything toxic. But nothing worked…


Then, one evening, something on the news changed her life forever. Four women were being interviewed who had recently gotten explants (breast implant removals) to heal the same symptoms she was experiencing. They’d been suffering from breast implant illness – an issue now recognized by an increasing number of practitioners. The toxins Christina’s body was reacting to were actually coming from her implants.


She decided there and then to get them removed. Christina has been explanted over 6 months now, and feels like a brand-new woman. She has energy, motivation, and is symptom-free. And her looks? Christina just wanted to get her life back. “If I’m flat, I’m ok with that”. Power to you, sister. 👍



Why do so many of us decide to go under the knife despite the risks? We do it to feel more whole, or womanly, or confident. We want to match up to the unrealistic ideals on TV or social media. But surgery is a short-term fix. Instead, we need to start by loving ourselves exactly as we are right now.


Christina is on a mission to radically change thousands of lives by spreading the word on the **TRUTH** behind breast implants and their complications. As well as being a coach for binge and emotional eaters, she’s the founder of Size Happy, the hottest new self-love movement online. If you’re worried about your current implants, or thinking about getting implants and want to know more about them, you can email Christina at Christina@sizehappy.net.


If You Want To Learn More About Silicone Implant Illness:

  • Go to Christina’s FB group (just say you’ve heard of the group through the Food Heals Podcast when you ask to join) – there’s a mountain of information about implants and lots of support from women going through the same thing.
  • Read Christina’s guide Discovering Breast Implant Illness – What Now? Everything you need to know about breast implant illness and what to expect after explanting.


Christina’s top healing foods when you’re getting over breast implant illness:

  • Bromalin – either in supplement, or pineapple – helps reduce bruising.
  • Arnica – helps with bruising and swelling.
  • Apple cider vinegar – great for the gut and immune system.
  • Celery juice in the morning on an empty stomach – powerful detoxer.


What you’ll learn in Episode 248:

  • How your lymph nodes let you know something’s up
  • How Christina healed her breast implant illness
  • Is there a link between mercury fillings and auto-immune disease?
  • When to start detoxing from your implants
  • Everything you need to know about explanting
  • Why it’s not all in your head
  • A morning meditation that will get you falling in love with your body as it is right now
  • How to do social media in a healthy loving way
  • Christina’s biggest tip for happiness
  • How to deal with food cravings
  • How to let go of trauma and negative emotions
  • The first step to overcoming addiction


Our favorite moments:

@8:15 This is not normal at all

@15:03 If I’m flat, I’m ok with that

@27:50 You’re more than your breast size

@32:27 A social media challenge from Christina

@40:05 Drink your celery juice


Available anywhere you listen to podcasts!

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And so many more!


Come to Italy!

Did you know we’re going back to Italy? If you’re not coming already, why not? This is the retreat of a lifetime!

~You will wake up every morning to the most gorgeous views.~

~You will meet and connect with like-minded women who want to live healthy and have fun (🍷wine, anyone?🍷).~

~We will swim, eat amazing plant-based food, go walking, go shopping, use the infinity poor, visit islands, sail, learn vegan cooking with chef Leslie Durso, and eat out at the best restaurants (phew, did I get everything?)~

Check out Food Heals Italy for the brochure and all the details. Or listen to podcast Episode 211 to hear what guests had to say.

Want to grab one of the last few spots? Email Alli at 👉 info@foodhealsnation.com 👈. See you in Italia!




SizeHappy.Net’s Breast Implant Illness Guide

Christina’s Facebook Group


Christina’s Instagram

PodFestExpo.com – if you’re looking to start a podcast and monetize it, this is the place to be! Join us there next year!

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