292: The Weight-Loss Series Part 1: Functional Medicine, Spirituality and Self-Care


There is a common theme that happens at the beginning of every new year: We set resolutions and intentions to work out more, to lose weight, to eat better, and to get healthier. But unfortunately, even with our best of intentions the research shows that usually by February most people have fallen back into their old habits and forgotten their resolutions, or decided that whatever diet or exercise plan they chose to follow just didn’t work.

Very often we are not getting to the root cause of the original problem and so we are doing the surface level things (that in theory should work) but because these are temporary fixes or bandaid approaches, they are not lasting and sustainable lifestyle changes. So we are not actually dealing with the issues that got our bodies to be sick or tired or overweight in the first place.

To create sustainable lifestyle changes we can take a mind body, and spirit approach to maintaining a healthy weight. On this episode of Food Heals, you’ll hear some of our most inspiring weight loss stories chosen from almost 300 podcast interviews to help keep you motivated over the month of February.

You will learn:

  • Why your current plan is not working and what to do instead
  • How functional medicine can help you lose weight with Dr. Cabral
  • What foods Chef AJ eats in abundance and still stays slim
  • How your blinds could be hindering your health
  • How Alida McDaniel manifested her 80 pound weight-loss with the Law of Attraction
  • How Drew Canole juiced his way back to health and fulfillment
  • How to make your body a fat-burning machine according to Sophie Uliano
  • And more!

And, super special BONUS FOR YOU: Check out our brand new 5-Steps to Food Freedom free course for anyone who wants to end emotional eating, drop the body shame, and lose the weight for good. Check out 5 Steps to Food Freedom at FreeWeightLossCourse.com.

Food Freedom is available to all of us. The body you want can be yours. Your body is always striving for homeostasis. It is always striving for perfect balance. We just have to give it the tools it needs to do heal.

It doesn’t matter how old you are. It doesn’t matter how tired you are. It doesn’t matter how sick you are. You can lose the weight. You can overcome chronic conditions. You can look and feel like a million bucks.

If you want to create a comprehensive plan to to end emotional eating, drop the body shame, lose the weight for good and create food freedom then you can join Allison for a three week deep dive at DropTheFoodShame.com. Inside this comprehensive course you will receive 3 weeks of lessons, classes, practices and meditations to truly heal yourself.

You’ll learn:

  • The Most Effective Healing Tools For Your Emotional Healing Toolbox
  • EXACT Step-By-Step Process For When Diet & Exercise Don’t Work
  • A Process For Identifying, Shifting & Changing your Core MisBeliefs Around Your Body
  • How to Integrate Trust, Ease and Self-Love into Your Daily Practice 
  • How to Stop Over-eating, Stress-eating and Emotional Eating for Good
  • ​The Exact Healing Meditations, Tools and Processes Allison USED to LOVE HERSELF and LOVE HER BODY!

Check it out at DropTheFoodShame.com.

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