258: Cancer Warriors: Amazing Stories of Overcoming Cervical, Bladder, and Breast Cancer – Part 2


When someone is diagnosed with cancer, it feels like the end of the world. But it doesn’t have to be. Our guests didn’t just overcome cancer naturally, they used it as a platform for positive change! There’s real power in the voice of a cancer survivor (and thrive-r)!


Amanda Deming – Healing cervical cancer – Episode 8

Did you know that cervical cancer killed nearly 4,000 women last year? It’s the second most common cancer among women. Conventional treatments, like surgery, chemo and radiation, are extremely poisonous and often lead to infertility. When Amanda was diagnosed with cervical cancer, she was determined not to go down that road. Instead, she chose a raw vegan diet, meditation, and yoga. She’s now cancer-free.


Jeff Witzeman – Cancer can be killed – Episode 190

When Jeff’s wife was diagnosed with an aggressive form of bladder cancer, she was told her life would change forever (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, a life without an essential organ). Instead of taking the doctor’s word for it, they traveled to Germany to treat the cancer at a spa. Thanks to juicing, a plant-based diet, hyperthermia (targeted heat therapy), oxygen therapy, intravenous vitamins, and colonics, she was completely cancer-free in just one month!  



Tracey Edmonds – The truth about healing cancer – Episode 226

Just like Alli, Tracey lost both her parents to preventable diseases: her mom died from cancer and her dad from a heart attack. This made her determined to be a pillar of health and to spread the message through as many media outlets as possible. She launched the wellness website Alright Now to give people the tools they need to live their healthiest life – from nutrition and fitness to relationships and parenting. We think she rocks!


Jill Tomback – Beating breast cancer – Episodes 26, 27 and 28

Jill and I were room-mates when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer (at just 25 years old). She endured four years of conventional treatment, including chemo and surgery. But since then, she’s taken the holistic route: she’s a plant-powered Pilates superstar, an avid juicer and a big fan of the Gerson therapy. As of this year, she’s celebrating 9 years cancer-free.


Preventing Cancer Naturally With Organifi

Part of cancer prevention is giving your body the tools it needs to be in great health. That’s why we love Organifi juice powder. It’s the perfect combination of detoxifying, energizing nutrients to keep disease at bay. Alli’s personal favorite is the Organifi Gold, which contains turmeric, ginger, reishi and turkey tail mushroom to keep you calm, help you sleep and soothe your muscles. Just mix the powder with hot water or oat milk for a super creamy bedtime drink. Organifi products are completely vegan, gluten free, soy free and keto-friendly.

Get 20% off with the coupon code foodheals.


Join our Italian Vegan Getaway

To fully heal, you need to fully relax…

So why not join us in Italy! Let go of all the stress in the most gorgeous setting in the world. Turn off your phone (except for Instagram photos of course), put down your laptop, and indulge in a week of complete rejuvenation with a group of like-minded women. From June 15th to 22nd, we will swim, take boat trips, hike, go shopping, learn how to cook with Leslie Durso, dine at the best restaurants, have photoshoots, taste the best olive oils and wines, and so much more.

Get more details at www.foodhealsnation.com/italy, or email your questions to info@foodhealsnation.com.


What you’ll learn in Episode 258:

  • How to see cancer as a gift
  • Best alkaline foods to add to your diet
  • The major causes of cancer
  • Can a spa heal cancer?
  • What doctors are not telling you about chemo
  • One herbal medicine that stops cancer in its tracks
  • Can spirituality help you heal?
  • How to heal the emotional component of cancer
  • Best anti-cancer juice recipes


Our favorite moments:

@3:54 I needed to raise my vibration

@14:10 Foods that are alive

@24:17 Cancer-free for five years


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And so many more!




Cancer Can Be Killed


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