Welcome to the first part of our brand new 4-part Wellness Warrior Series! And it starts just like any great day should: with a magical morning routine. Because how you begin each day dramatically affects every area of your life. We’ve all felt the difference between a day we begin with a tall glass of lemon water and a yoga practice, versus a day when we hit the snooze button fifteen times before grudgingly dragging ourselves out of bed, right?


Our circadian rhythms can get totally out of balance, especially if we live in the city. There’s artificial light, wifi, EMF, irregular work hours, etc. and these all affect how we sleep, how we wake up, and how good (or bad) we feel. That’s why creating a magical morning routine can help you wrestle some of the control back, and work wonders for your wellness. Of course, there’s no one-size-fits-all model. We can’t all be early birds, thriving on 5am starts. You have to find your own sweet spot, just like today’s guests. Listen now!


For Eco-Vegan Gal and healthy living crusader Whitney Lauritsen, water, meditation and movement are the top three priorities. She starts her day on her rebounder or takes a moment to spend time outside. She also suggests journaling as a great way to begin your day, by setting your intention and aligning with a positive vibration.


The number one rule of magical morning routines, according to vegan chef, culinary comedian and Eaternity author Jason Wrobel, is: Don’t switch on your emails or social media before you’ve taken care of yourself. Jason’s routine includes lots of water with either lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to alkalize, meditation, exercise and a plant-based breakfast. A good morning begins the night before, so create a sleep sanctuary: turn off your wifi and electrical devices, invest in black-out curtains, leave your phone on airplane mode.


Nicole Derseweh, vegan chef and founder of the Unicorn brunch pop up series in LA, begins her magical morning routine with a conscious loving breathing practice sending loving, healing energy to each part of her body and being grateful for how it has served her. She believes you should put your priorities at the top of your day. For her, it’s community and friendship, so her morning routine includes a hike with girlfriends.


Filmmaker & Podcast Host Allison Melody starts her day with a gratitude journal, and this is a simple practice that will change your entire day. As an energy boost, Allison practices various yoga poses utilizing breath of fire. The Kundalini Breath of Fire is an intense breathing practice that will get you fired up in the morning—great if you struggle to get up! And don’t forget your green smoothie!


You are the star and director of the movie of your life. You get to choose. Stay in bed and snooze, or get up and shine? Start your day believing in and attracted abundance, or start your day in fear and anxiety? When you start your day centered, you can create the day you want. By simply changing how you wake up, you can transform any area of your life faster than you ever thought possible.


Allison Melody, Whitney Lauritsen, Nicole Derseweh and Jason Wrobel on the Food Heals Podcast

Become a Wellness Warrior!

And if you want to delve deeper into wellness, then check out our Wellness Warrior video series. We’ve each made a training course that will teach you how to up-level your health:


  • Eaternity: How to heal your mind body and spirit and live to 100 with Jason Wrobel
  • Morning Wellness: AM elixirs to fuel your day and heal you from the inside out with Nicole Derseweh
  • Wellness 101: How to eat healthy organic and vegan on a budget with Eco Vegan Gal Whitney Lauritsen
  • Alternative Medicine Awakening: How to transform your routine for wellness and weight loss with Allison Melody.


Sign up and you’ll receive some amazing wellness bonuses:


  • Whitney’s e-book Healthy Organic Vegan on a Budget
  • 3 months’ access to the Food Heals VIP Club
  • Jason Wrobel’s 5-month program My Healthy Hustle (which includes a coaching call with Jason!)


Go to www.foodhealsnation.com/wellness for more information!


What you’ll learn in Episode 172:

  • Why it’s important to drink lots of water in the morning
  • The crucial element to a morning routine
  • How to lovingly start your day before you even get out of bed
  • How to structure your day for most productivity and wellness
  • A great self-care tip for type A’s
  • A simple trick to really deepen your gratitude practice
  • The most important work you need to do to make positive changes
  • How to work out what’s motivating your choices
  • How to let go of self-judgement
  • Getting over choice-overwhelm and decision-fatigue
  • How to move beyond right and wrong thinking
  • How to get clear on what’s right for you


Our favorite moments:

@7:07 Karaoke moment!!

@8:46 Jason’s sweet spot

@11:17 A new definition for “email”

@18:40 Avo toast monster

@21:39 Rocking the hustle

@34:01 The brain-game

@45:19 Choose-your-own-adventure-book

@46:59 Whatever you choose is going to be OK


Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU!

The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power of nutrition, living authentically, turning your passion into your career, choosing the best natural health and beauty products, the benefits of a plant-based diet and so much more!

Did you know that 75% of your immune system is in your gut? Or that 95% of your serotonin is produced in your intestines? Little wonder that it’s sometimes called your “second brain!” Listen now!


According to Dr. Axe, there are four R’s to healing the gut:

  • Remove
  • Replace
  • Repair
  • Rebalance


Remove—foods and triggers that upset your gut

  • Stress
  • Unnecessary medication
  • Environmental toxins – remove non-organic foods, fast foods, unhealthy foods, GMO foods
  • Trigger foods – caffeine, gluten, dairy, refined sugar


Replace—trigger foods with healing foods

  • Fermented veggies – sauerkraut and kimchi
  • Green juice
  • Organic nutrient rich fruits and veggies


Repair—with supplements

  • Digestive enzymes
  • L-Glutamine acid
  • Liquorice root
  • Quercetin



  • Probiotics (the good bacteria in your gut)
  • Prebiotics (what feeds the good bacteria in your gut)


It was Hippocrates that first said “All disease begins in the gut.” And he was right. Therefore, healing needs to begin in the gut. As you get started on your journey to health, this is the first place you need to focus some loving attention. We reached out to two of our favorite health and wellness experts, JJ Flizanes and Evita Ramparte, to talk all things digestion! Listen now!


Digestion is everything. It’s our fuel source. Everything we put in our mouths gets broken down in the body and either gets used up as energy, gets turned into cells, or gets eliminated. The quality and variety of what we choose to eat determines how well our bodies functions. But modern diets are packed with allergens (GMOs, glyphosate-sprayed wheat, chemical additives, gluten, dairy, pesticides, etc.) that the gut cannot process. The result? Inflammation, depression, chronic disease.


One of the most common digestive problems is leaky gut. The gut wall is lined with villi—these are tiny finger-like structures that filter out food particles, absorbing the good stuff and keeping other stuff out. But when we eat foods that our bodies struggles to break down, it becomes wedged in the gut lining. Over time this creates micro tears in the intestine, which means undigested food particles, that are supposed to be contained within the gut wall, escape into the bloodstream. This triggers an immune response: the body attempts to protect itself from what it considers a foreign invader by sending white blood cells to attack. The result? Inflammation. And the more we keep eating foods we can’t digest, the more tears appear, the more inflammation we experience, and the more our health deteriorates. The first thing to do if you want to heal your gut is a 2 to 4 week elimination diet. JJ teaches the best way to do this in her 5-month Invisible Fitness transformational program.


Symptoms of poor digestion:

  • Skin irritation – eczema, rashes, etc.
  • Constipation
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Diarrhea
  • Cramps
  • Excess mucus (throat and nose)
  • Are you pooping right? Check out the Bristol Stool Chart!


But more than just diet, our emotions are heavily involved in gut health. In fact, how we digest food is linked to how we digest life. When our emotions are blocked, they’re usually blocked in the gut. If you have a digestive issue that no supplementation is fixing, it could be an emotional issue. If you’re sad or stressed or holding on to anger, your gut responds to that.



Goddess of Wellness and Tigress of Business, Evita Ramparte shares her secrets to healing your gut through juice cleansing. Evita healed her ovarian cancer and lost 50 pounds in just a few months thanks to detoxing, a raw vegan diet, and transforming her emotions. You can listen to her incredible healing story in Episode 57.



What you’ll learn in Episode 171:

  • Why to take digestive enzymes with cooked food
  • How many probiotics to take daily
  • What you’ll experience during a colonic
  • Why you need to do more than just eliminate trigger foods
  • The difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance
  • The most effective test for finding out what your food sensitivities are
  • How to easily figure out your main food intolerance
  • How to take care of your good bacteria
  • How long it takes to shift your blood from acidic to alkaline
  • How our gut bacteria make us crave unhealthy foods
  • How to prepare your body for a juice cleanse
  • How coffee can purify your blood (but not by drinking…)
  • A natural cure for yeast infections
  • One tip that will ensure you’re not hungry during your juice cleanse
  • How fasting heals



Our favorite moments:

@17:59 It’s not just about the food

@30:01 What is moderation?

@33:20 Gluten bloat

@40:20 Microscopic species extinction

@49:40 It’s life changing!

@55:52 The healing power of coffee

@1:03:10 Eat like a monkey!




And if you’re ready to transform your life, then there are only 4 days (and a handful of places) left to enroll in JJ’s 5 Month Transformational Program. You’ll learn the tricks to holistically heal your relationship with yourself and transform your mind, body and soul. When you join, you’ll discover:

  • JJ’s proven formula for total wellness
  • Trigger foods to avoid
  • Foods that support your energy
  • How to break free of addictive behaviors
  • The one thing your exercise routine must include
  • Strategies to increase your metabolism
  • How to slow down the aging process naturally
  • And more….


Sign up by September 30th to receive:

  • 5 months’ accountability and community via the Invisible Fitness Academy
  • 5 one-on-one coaching calls with JJ herself
  • A copy of The Invisible Fitness Formula
  • A copy of Fit 2 Love
  • You’ll be able to repeat the entire program at least 2 to 3 times
  • A copy of our Vitality Cleanse e-book to make your juice cleansing super easy
  • 5 months’ access to the Food Heals Nation VIP Club


Ready to make a commitment to fully transform? Send JJ an email at info@invisiblefitness.com to learn more, or click here for more details.



Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU!

The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power of nutrition, living authentically, turning your passion into your career, choosing the best natural health and beauty products, the benefits of a plant-based diet and so much more!


Welcome to our Tuesday Q&A! Before we get to the questions, we want to share our favorite tips for becoming healthier, happier, AND hotter. Listen now!


  • Do something you love every single day: Dancing, singing, painting, spending time with loved ones, cooking–whatever your passion, carve out time in your day to experience something that brings you joy. Even devoting just five minutes to your passions will leave you feeling more uplifted all day and that joy will extend into all areas of your life.
  • Choose Happiness. Happiness doesn’t come from external things (new car, promotion, marriage, baby, etc.) it comes from within. Your happiness is a choice. And the way into that happiness is gratitude. Check out the book Believing in Myself by Earnie Larsen.
  • Eat high vibe energizing food. No, we’re not talking about caffeine. 😉 Most of us are stuck in a junk-food cycle. We eat foods that make us feel sluggish. We opt for sugar and coffee to perk ourselves up, which only leaves us feeling more tired. Break the cycle and focus on high vibe energizing foods instead. Think: a banana with a spoonful of nut butter, veggies dipped in tahini dressing, avocado and aminos, fruit or vegetable smoothies, raw soups, green powders, maca, chia seeds, cacao….
  • Forgive and be grateful. If you hold onto anger or judgement against another person, or yourself, it only hurts you. Holding onto anger is like holding a hot coal. If you want to be free and experience true happiness, you must forgive and release that negative emotion. You can choose to be a loving human being to yourself and to others. The way to get there is through gratitude.


Now let’s dig into this week’s questions!


Question 1: What’s the best way to tone and lift a saggy butt?

We reached out to Ella Magers for her secrets to a toned and tight booty. There is no one-size-fits-all perfect butt: a sexy booty is the healthiest fittest version of your own. To achieve that, you’re going to need to clean up your diet and do some targeted exercises. Squats and lunges are your best friends. Depending on your specific goals, you’ll either need to do more reps (to tone up) or add some weights (to build and firm). If you want an awesome work out for your booty, then check out the Brazil Butt Lift Workout!



Question 2: What are your thoughts on plant milks and which do you recommend?

To answer this question in depth we asked Eco Vegan Gal Whitney Lauritsen, our go-to-girl for the latest in vegan research and taste-testing. We love plant milks and have probably tried all of them, but here are some of our favs: Oatly oat milk (we’re a bit obsessed with this one, it’s super creamy!) and So Delicious coconut milk are perfect if you have a nut sensitivity because they’re nut free. If you don’t have an issue with nuts, then Milkadamia macadamia nut milk Califia Farms almond milk, Forager cashew milk, and Rice Dream rice milk are all delicious.


You can make milk from most nuts and grains (like quinoa, hazelnuts, flax seeds, hemp seeds, etc.) so experiment to find your favorite. Whatever brand you go for, make sure you check the ingredients—some brands are more processed than others.



Question 3: How flexible is JJ Flizane’s Invisible Fitness Course and what’s included?

JJ’s five-month transformation course, Invisible Fitness, is a self-paced online program. When you sign up, you decide when you want to start. You get a 30-minute coaching call with JJ every month where you can get support with whatever you need. These coaching calls can be grouped together to fit your unique needs. You also get personal attention from JJ via her Invisible Fitness Academy, where you’ll find a supportive community and accountability partners. The course is flexible and customizable! You can get in touch with JJ at info@invisiblefitness.com for more information.


If you want to reach your fitness and wellness goals, and be the healthiest, happiest and hottest version of yourself, then JJ’s course is perfect for you—but hurry because there are only 2 weeks left to enroll! Click here to get all the details about the course, plus fabulous bonuses!



Natural Tooth Powder Recipe

The most important thing you can do for your teeth and mouth is to move away from conventional toothpaste brands, as they contain ingredients that are known to disrupt hormones and irritate gums. Instead, make your own mouth-and-tooth-friendly natural products. This is Suzy’s new and improved tooth powder recipe:

  • 1/2 cup baking soda (neutralizes the acids in your mouth, makes your mouth alkaline, which means bacteria can’t grow there)
  • 3 tbsp calcium carbonate powder (for healing receding gums)
  • 1/8 cup Himalayan salt, milled very fine (for tightening gums)
  • 10-20 drops therapeutic grade essential oil (peppermint, spearmint, lemon, clove, you can blend these to suit you)


  • You can also add 1 tbsp dried herbs like mint, sage, parsley, lavender – get experimental and add an earthy vibe to your toothpaste!
  • For a little sweetness, add Xylitol, which is antimicrobial and great for your teeth


If you have gum recession, get some comfrey root, make tea from it, and use it as a mouthwash—it will help regrow your gums. You can also get calcium ascorbate powder, which is vitamin C buffered with calcium. A little bit applied to your gums will bring them back to health. If you don’t have time to make your own natural toothpaste, try Ecodent.

Check it out now!


What you’ll learn in episode 170:

  • Simple and effective ways to improve your mood right now
  • Why squats and lunges are essential
  • The most significant way to increase happiness
  • The healthiest and tastiest plant-milk
  • Seriously, the most delicious vegan ice-cream and vegan cheese (this stuff will blow your mind)
  • Why a “natural” label is useless
  • How to make your own cashew milk (you’ll be amazed how easy it is)
  • The easy-to-miss ingredient you MUST avoid in vegan foods
  • Why RIGHT NOW is the perfect time to start your journey to health
  • How to satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way
  • How to vibrate at the highest frequency
  • The healthiest human emotion

Our favorite moments:

@2:24 Busting moves in the bedroom

@7:59 What’s a sexy booty?

@15:52 Your happiness is a choice

@53:33 Why you need to know about the Universal reset button

@1:11:43 Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong

@1:14:00 What’s the secret?



Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU!

The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power of nutrition, living authentically, turning your passion into your career, choosing the best natural health and beauty products, the benefits of a plant-based diet and so much more!


In today’s episode we are thrilled to be taking to two of our favorite fitness experts, Sexy Fit Vegan Ella Magers and Fit2Love’s JJ Flizanes. Listen now!

Voted one of the 50 hottest trainers of American by Shape Magazine, and motivated by her love of animals to make a positive difference in the world, Ella Magers is dedicated to helping people reach their health goals. You might have heard that crunches and sit ups are the best thing for your abs, but these are only a small part of the equation. In fact, in some cases, those exercises might even be damaging your spine. Ella says, the secret to sexy abs is truly all about strengthening your core, cleaning up your diet and filling your plate with nutrient dense plant foods. You don’t need to give up your social life to get abs, you can do it with a balanced lifestyle; you simply need to find what works for you.


Tune in to discover:

  • Why we get tummy fat
  • Best exercises for abs (it’s not what you think!)
  • What your stomach needs to be flat
  • How empty calories impact your body
  • The one life-changing tip for fat burning
  • Ella’s 3 top tips for killer abs
  • How intermittent fasting can help you heal


Give Ella’s Flat Tummy Tabbouleh Salad recipe a try. Super quick to make a nutrient dense, it’s perfect for taking as a packed lunch. You can find other recipes in her book Six Weeks to Sexy Abs Meal Plan.


Flat Tummy Tabbouleh Salad

  • Quinoa
  • Diced tomatoes
  • Diced cucumbers
  • Red onion
  • Bell pepper
  • Italian parsley
  • Mint leaves
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Sea salt and black pepper
  • Lime juice
  • Salad greens (optional)



Many factors affect our fitness and weight-loss efforts. JJ Flizanes is back on the show to debunk some of the myths surrounding exercise. One myth everyone seems to agree on is that if you simply move or exercise more, you’ll lose weight. But the truth is without a defined strategy and specific goals in mind, the results won’t be all that impressive. You need to challenge your body each time you exercise. What you eat will also affect how your body uses and burns fat. Not all calories are equal, and your body will react to an empty calorie completely differently to a calorie from whole plant food. Listen now.


And beyond diet, your Astrological sign could also affect your fitness—if you’re a water sign and wondering why you’ve always struggled to follow programs that are too structured, it could be because of your creative energy. If you’re an Earth sign you do well with routines, and if you’re a Fire sign you really need to move your body and release that fiery energy.



  • What you’ll learn:
    • Why you need to change up your work out
    • Does cardio really burn fat?
    • How to eat more and still burn fat
    • Why the fat-burning zone might not be so great for burning fat after all
    • Cardio training vs resistance training
    • How to make sure your metabolism doesn’t slow down while you lose weight
    • How your astrological sign affects your workout routine
    • The truth about hot yoga


If you’re sick of trying to lose weight and not succeeding, and you’re really serious about a complete transformation of mind, body and soul, then JJ’s 5 Month Transformational Program is for you. Act fast, the first 10 Food Heals Nation members to join get to work with JJ personally once a month during the duration of the program! There are a ton of other bonuses like her book “The Invisible Fitness Formula: 5 Secrets to Release Weight & End Body Shame“ and more. Click here for details. Plus, join by September 30th and you’ll get our complete guide to doing a juice fast, and five months’ access to the Food Heals VIP Club, with never-before-heard podcasts. Click here to make a commitment to positive change and join us for five months of transformation!



Our favorite moments:

@5:27 Fat belly burning machines

@9:38 You can’t outrun your fork

@10:40 How many burpees to burn off 3 Oreos?

@14:06 It changed my life

@18:13 We’re all guilty of it

@20:00 The vegan abs lifestyle

@28:25 What is smart exercise?

@40:29 Your body is a chemistry lab








Sex Before Dawn





Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU!

The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power of nutrition, living authentically, turning your passion into your career, choosing the best natural health and beauty products, the benefits of a plant-based diet and so much more!

We’ve admired her for a long time and we’re so glad to have her on the show! Kathy Patalsky was inspired by her love of animals and her struggles with an eating disorder to start the vegan food blog HealthyHappyLife over a decade ago.


But as we know, being a successful eco-entrepreneur isn’t always easy. Too much work, no socializing, no time to process emotions. Invariably this affects our physical health. For Kathy, this manifested as asthma flare-ups, exhaustion, depression, and panic attacks. Doctors and naturopaths couldn’t diagnose anything specific. The cause: repressing emotions. Pretending everything is OK. Basically, faking it.


Can you relate? We can! And we need to stop. It’s natural not to want to be judged for feeling sad, or being unable to cope with a crazy workload, or not being “perfect.” But, plastering a smile on your face and saying, “I’m fine” only makes it worse. You need to be vulnerable sometimes, to be gentle with yourself, to reach out to a friend, to give in to what your body is calling out for, whether that’s a hug, a walk in nature, a massage, meditation, or healthy plant-based food. Listen now!


Kathy’s websites HealthyHappyLife and FindingVegan are the perfect places to get inspired to add more vegan goodness to your life. And with the app, you can literally veganize any dish (there are over 116,000 recipes!!). If you’re a plant-based food blogger, head to Kathy’s Facebook Group to connect with and get support from like-minded people. If you have a question about veganism or panic attacks, reach out to Kathy via her FB or Twitter.


Kathy has also written the best-selling books 365 Vegan Smoothies (where you’ll find smoothies for your every wellness need) and Healthy Happy Vegan Kitchen (which groups together Kathy’s favorite and most popular recipes).



What you’ll learn:

  • How a vegan diet can help heal eating disorders
  • The six dimensions of wellness
  • Natural strategies to soothe panic attacks
  • The worst thing you can do for your wellness
  • What causes panic attacks
  • How to heal vestibular migraines
  • How to feed your parasympathetic nervous system



Our favorite moments:

@14:32 The 6 dimensions of wellness

@16:53 A blend of Ali and Suzy?

@31:25 Wise old ladies

@32:01 Happy tips

@35:19 It’s all connected










Tired of trying to lose weight? Sick of squeezing into your clothes, dieting and exercising and just not seeing results? Well, you’re not alone. And it isn’t your fault. In fact, most diet and exercise programs focus solely on the outside—inches, pounds and appearance. But these conventional programs leave something fundamental out: the inside—your invisible fitness. This includes your hormone levels, your metabolism, your bone density, as well as your relationship with yourself. And this is one of the inner causes of weight gain: the emotional and spiritual issues that cause you to pile on the pounds. JJ Flizanes, empowerment strategist, personal trainer and fellow podcaster wants to help.


Her Total Transformation program was designed just for you, Food Heals Nation, and it will help you achieve weight loss without starving yourself or working out 7 days a week. The Invisible Fitness Academy is a 5-month course with weekly training for total body transformation. It’s also an online community: a safe, supportive space where you can elevate and challenge yourself into a new way of being.


You’ll learn:

  • How to gain the inner peace and self-acceptance that drives change
  • How to feel at home in your body
  • Strategies to increase your metabolism and help you burn more calories at rest
  • How to eat to heal sleeping issues, exhaustion and brain fog
  • How to slow the aging process naturally
  • How to identify the root causes of your addictive behaviors and break free of them


Join by Sept 30th, we’ll give you five months’ FREE access to our Food Heals Nation VIP Club with never before heard podcast episodes created just for you. Click here and make a commitment to positive change.



Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU!

The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power of nutrition, living authentically, turning your passion into your career, choosing the best natural health and beauty products, the benefits of a plant-based diet and so much more!

Are you addicted? Probably. Addiction is simply a movement away from feeling something. Most of us don’t want to feel—we seek to distract ourselves. And most of us are addicted—to coffee, to control, to sugar, to approval, to people pleasing, to social media, etc. These addictions are simply the strategies we’ve found to keep ourselves from experiencing, and expressing, unpleasant feelings and emotions.


Feelings don’t just appear out of nowhere. They are an energy born of your mental chatter. First you have a thought. From that comes an interpretation (depending on your life experience), which then determines how you feel about it.


“The emotion that can break your heart is often the very one that heals it.” In other words, you have to feel it to heal it. Unexpressed emotion and repressed anger will only cause more of the same, and damage your health too.


So how can you embrace and process your feelings? Tune in to discover JJ’s 3-step process! Listen now.


What about body shame? No matter our shape or size, the majority of us have some form of body shame: we dislike our bodies, put ourselves through extreme workouts, go on diets, but nothing ever works. And this is because we’re only addressing the surface. Everything from your biology to your spirituality, your endocrine system, thoughts and beliefs, are all part of fitness, even though they’re invisible. We need to go deeper than dieting and exercise.


JJ Flizanes is an empowerment strategist, personal trainer, podcast host and best-selling author. Her latest book “The Invisible Fitness Formula: 5 Secrets to Release Weight & End Body Shame” is dedicated to helping you address the emotional causes of weight gain, and reconnect with your body.


If you’ve tried everything and still aren’t losing weight, JJ has created something just for you. Her program is about total wellness, and will help you achieve weight loss without starving yourself or working out 7 days a week. The Invisible Fitness Academy is a 5 month course with weekly training for total body transformation. It’s also an online community: a safe, supportive space where you can elevate and challenge yourself into a new way of being. You’ll learn:

  • how to feel at home in your body
  • how to understand what has been undermining your health efforts
  • which foods trigger water weight and digestive troubles
  • which foods support your energy
  • the one thing to include into your exercise plan to finally see results
  • how to increase your metabolism and burn more calories
  • how to naturally slow the aging process
  • how to release excess weight and achieve true happiness


But hurry – because JJ has such limited coaching time, this offer is only open to 10 Food Heals Nation listeners. Click here to get more details and discover the great bonuses on offer when you sign up.



What you’ll learn:

  • Why we are constantly seeking a high
  • The difference between soft and hard addiction
  • What’s underneath your anxiety
  • Why people-pleasing is extra dangerous
  • Why ADD doesn’t exist
  • How electromagnetic frequency affects your health
  • How to neutralize EMF
  • How to process your emotions
  • Why depression is not about brain chemicals
  • How to make JJ’s paleo sugar-free dairy free raw macadamia cream
  • How the Keto diet can heal cancer
  • The best oil to use for your health



Our favorite moments:

@6:44 Fat burning secrets

@8:57 How do you study emotion?

@16:01 Called to be more conscious

@17:49 ADD is bullsh*t

@22:21 I will not put that goddamn thing on my body




Check out JJ’s Spirit Purpose and Energy Show!



Non-violent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg


Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU!

The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power of nutrition, living authentically, turning your passion into your career, choosing the best natural health and beauty products, the benefits of a plant-based diet and so much more!

We know we need to eat well, hydrate, exercise and get enough sleep. But how can you take your health to the next level? Today we’re sharing six ways to supercharge your immune system and wake up your healing potential. Get ready to learn the secrets to using water to heal, a fitness regime that burns hundreds of calories in minutes a day, which oil is a more powerful antioxidant than vitamin C, and how to eat to live longer!  Listen now!


  1. Hydrotherapy:

This is the process of using water to heal disease. A five-minute hot and cold shower, where you alternate 10 seconds hot, 20 seconds cold, will help your body burn fat, increase your circulation, reduce inflammation and boost your immune system. It’s important to add the cold element – hot tubs and saunas are great, but it’s the synergy of both hot and cold water that has really powerful healing potential. It’s like Yin and Yang—the body needs both.


  1. Infrared Sauna:

These are so in right now. The infrared ray of light penetrates and heals your body from the inside. It’s great for relaxation, boosting circulation, clearing up your skin and detoxing. Just ten minutes a day can reduce your risk of heart disease! For those days where you really don’t fancy going to the gym, you can get portable infrared saunas so you can sweat out your toxins in front of the TV!


  1. Add Essential Oils to Your Life!

Suzy is our resident essential oil expert and so passionate about their healing properties. Every drug made by big pharma comes from a plant. They isolate an individual compound, and turn it into a pill that manages symptoms rather than cures disease. Essential oils contain all of the plant’s immunity, its antibodies—they are a non-toxic version of pharmaceutical meds. Essential oils kill viruses, bacteria, fungus, the flu virus and more. You can use them directly on your skin, or put a few drops in a diffuser to cleanse the air in your home.


A great example of powerful oils is CBD oil, which is used effectively in the treatment of arthritis, autism, autoimmune issues, chronic pain and inflammation. CBD is the non-psychoactive compound in hemp, so it won’t get you high. But it will heighten your health! It works by affecting the body’s endocannabinoid system, tuning into what your body needs in order to return it to balance. CBD owes its healing benefits to its antioxidant (more powerful than vitamin C) and anti-inflammatory properties.

Suzy’s CBD body creams (not yet available… but watch this space!) are amazing for treating pain from cramps and sunburn, and relieving tension.


  1. Hop onto a Vibration Platform

Vibration platforms were originally developed for the Soviet space program to help astronauts preserve their bone and muscle density in space. Now they’re a fitness system that can help you burn hundreds of calories in just a few minutes. Just ten minutes a day will release a rush of endorphins and make you feel blissful just like after a long workout. The reason this is so good for your immunity is that it oxygenates your cells – and disease can’t survive in an oxygenated environment.


  1. Colon hydrotherapy

Also known as colonics. Ok, so it’s a bit scary the first time but it’s so good for your health, and you can lose a lot of weight. One of our previous guests John Salley lost a whopping 12 pounds when he had his first colonic! Purified water is used to release plaques on the colon wall, removing bad bacteria and things that no longer need to be there. This stimulates your body to eliminate old built-up toxins. Gut health is massively important for body and mind—most of our serotonin is produced in the gut. And a healthy gut means a strong immune system. Whether you’re eating a standard American diet or a holistic diet, you can benefit from colon hydrotherapy.


  1. Intermittent Fasting

Eat less, you’ll live longer. Because eating takes up a lot of energy – while your body is digesting and absorbing food, it isn’t healing and rejuvenating. So giving your body a break from eating can be beneficial. This is an uncomfortable concept for us—we’re used to three meals a day or more, and so many of our emotions are tied up in food. But the practice of stop-eat-stop, or eating only in a window of 8 to 10 hours, gives your body more time to digest, heal and repair, strengthening your immunity and improving your health. The great thing about intermittent fasting is you can adapt it to suit your lifestyle. If you’re a breakfast person you can choose to eat between 9am and 4pm. If you’re more a night owl you can choose to have your meals between 1pm and 9pm. Some people do it every day, others just choose to do a 24 hour fast once or twice a week – you have to experiment and find what works best for you.


There you have it, six tips to take your healing to the next level, and from plateau to fabulous. Let us know which ones you try!


And now a special announcement: we’re taking a short break from podcasting to relax before we come back better than ever. We’ll return in September to rock your world with even more on waking up your immunity, and inspiring guests from PodcastMovement (there’s still time to get $50 off your tickets with the coupon code FoodHeals!)


See you next month Food Heals Nation! Have a beautiful August!



Our favorite moments:

@6:58 The cold phenomenon

@16:35 Two essential oils to beat fleas on your pet!

@19:15 Now I’m a believer

@29:05 I’m going to go vibrate

@32:25 You can do just about anything on it…

@46:38 Do what works for you



Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU!

The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power of nutrition, living authentically, turning your passion into your career, choosing the best natural health and beauty products, the benefits of a plant-based diet and so much more!

We’re very excited to bring you a fabulous guest for this Bonus Friday episode! Eco Vegan Gal Whitney Lauritsen was one of our original mentors when we started launching the Food Heals Podcast. Listen now!


Whitney started her wellness brand nearly 10 years ago, back in 2008. She loved talking about veganism with other people but not everyone wanted to hear about it—so she decided to start a blog. Eco Vegan Gal was born. Over the years she realized this was her passion. So she left her steady filmmaking job to follow her dreams—the best decision she ever made. When she started, she didn’t know what she was doing, monetization-wise. Now, she’s a successful eco-entrepreneur, received the Ed Begley Jr. Environmental Activist Award in 2014, has been named on Mashable’s Top 75 Environmentalist to Follow on Twitter, and is one of NBC New York’s Top 10 Eco-hotties on Twitter. She’s also one of our favorite guests, and you can check out her story in Episodes 5, 11, and 21.


If you’ve ever dreamed of diving into a wellness business, we’ve got a very special offer for you. Creative Wellth is a brand Whitney started to help content creators learn how to monetize their work. This online course combines wellness and wealth to help you launch your business into the next level of abundance, influence and monetization. Whether you’re a health coach, vegan YouTuber, wellness blogger, or helping people in the holistic health space, Creative Wellth will teach you the strategies to make money doing what you love. There are four branches to Creative Wellth: the online course, the membership community, one to one coaching, and a free private Facebook group—so whatever type of support you need, there’s a resource perfect for you.


Enrollment to Creative Wellth actually closed to the public on July 19th, but Whitney is giving Food Heals Nation special access. She’s extended enrollment until Monday 31st July. So don’t miss out—if you want to make money doing what you love, this course is for you.


And when you sign up, you’ll also get two fabulous bonus from us: 3 months access to the Food Heals Nation VIP Club and three manifestation meditations guided by Suzy herself. All these will help you get clear on your goals, grow your audience with Facebook Groups, make your passion your paycheck, release anxiety and find peace, attract abundance into all areas of your life, remove creative blocks, and find divine inspiration. All these will help you go with what your heart truly wants to do and dive into your mission driven business.


Tune in to hear Whitney’s live video where she shares 37 ways you can make money online as a wellness content creator. You’ll get a taste of her Creative Wellth course and learn ways to monetize your content. There’s never been a better time to launch your heart-centered business and create a career that fits around your lifestyle.



What you’ll learn:

  • Why you can start your wellness brand today
  • Why it’s so much easier now to be taken seriously and launch your business
  • How to get brands to want to work with you
  • Whitney’s favorite business mentors
  • 37 ways to make money online



Our favorite moments:

@2:43 Channeling Oprah.

@7:22 Veganism lights me up

@15:35 How many ways to make money online??

@17:12 Full of swag

@20:27 Never ignore what your heart pumps for








Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU!

The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power of nutrition, living authentically, turning your passion into your career, choosing the best natural health and beauty products, the benefits of a plant-based diet and so much more!

Is fear of not knowing how to begin keeping you from diving into your passion and building your dream business? Then get ready to be inspired by Michael’s story! ​​He and his wife Victoria began their working life as London-based lawyers. But sitting at a desk for 12 hours a day, grabbing fast food on the go and binging on their favorite comfort food (ice cream, of course) wasn’t their dream.

Pounds were piling on and the stress of the job was really getting to them. They wanted to start a business but didn’t know how. One day, Victoria made a healthy, vegan strawberry and mango frozen dessert. It was the lightbulb moment: why not make delicious healthy desserts that are big on flavor, with simple, natural ingredients? Frozen Fruit Co was born! Listen now!


They started making their healthy, vegan frozen fruit concoctions in their kitchen, giving it to friends and small local delis. This slowly expanded to supplying more shops and supermarkets; but that wasn’t the dream. Even though they’d never been to America before, what they really wanted was to take their delicious desserts to sunny Los Angeles. It was a journey fraught with delays, challenges and scary moments. But they were committed to their dream and decided to take the risk. Their Santa Monica store has now been open a year and they’re planning to open another store in 2018—proof you can do anything you set your mind to, no matter where you start from.


So check out their store in Santa Monica and treat yourself to a gorgeous guilt-free fruit dessert—free from gluten, refined sugar, GMOs, and artificial ingredients, and packed with all the nutritious goodness of fruit, Frozen Fruit Co will satisfy your sweet tooth and nourish your body! We tried them and OMG! Fruity heaven!


​​Discover how Michael went from being a high-powered attorney to becoming a vegan frozen fruit expert, how he started a business without any prior experience, and his tips for being a successful entrepreneur.


Michael’s tips for male entrepreneurs:

  • Don’t fall into the stigma of the hardcore, suited and booted, Ferrari-driving stereotype – don’t be afraid to be in touch with your softer side!
  • Focus on relationships and connect with your customer base.
  • Be in touch with yourself and share your story.
  • Focus on value rather than money.


What you’ll learn:

  • The difference between having a boss and having a client
  • What it means to be a successful entrepreneur
  • Why a super team is the key to success
  • The difference between sorbet and fruit swirls
  • Why fruit sugar isn’t like table sugar
  • How to make your own super healthy, super delicious frozen dessert
  • Why the calories-in-calories-out model just doesn’t work
  • Why to avoid agave
  • How long it takes to reset your body to health


Our favorite moments:

@14:49 It can’t be done!

@15:22 I’m getting that happy feeling

@19:00 Better than a Wendy’s frosty

@25:30 Divine inspiration

@42:41 Chaos in the streets!

@43:01 Fruit flying in the air


Plus, we have two special announcements:

Enrollment for Creative Wellth is open:​
If you are an entrepreneur and want to take your wellness business to the next level, then don’t miss Eco-Vegan Gal Whitney Lauritsen’s Creative Wellth Course!


Whitney Lauritsen, Eco-Vegan Gal
Over 2 weeks you’ll get everything you need to set up your business, break blocks to abundance and start earning for doing what you love. When you sign up, you won’t just get access to this course, you’ll also get two fabulous bonuses from us:

​​- 3 months’ access to the Food Heals VIP Club with never-before-heard podcast episodes
​- 3 Manifestation Meditations that will help you release your fears and step fully into your power 

​​You’ll release anxiety and find peace, attract abundance into your life and find divine inspiration. Everything you need to dive into your wellness business!

Join us in August and Save $50 on Podcast Movement​:
And, if you’ve ever dreamed of starting a podcast you don’t want to miss Podcast Movement which comes to Anaheim, California on August 22nd to 25th. Everything you will ever need to know about how to set up a podcast, grow your audience and make an impact in the podcast world.

​​We’ll be there and we want you to join us! You can get $50 off your ticket with the coupon code FoodHeals.

Allison Melody

Allison is now doing three talks at Podcast Movement!
– On Tuesday, Aug. 22nd Allison will be speaking at the Fame and Profit Lab on unique ways to monetize your podcast.

​​– On Wednesday, Aug. 23rd Allison will be a panelist on a panel entitled, Go Beyond the Ears & Downloads. Getting to Know YOUR Podcast Audience speaking about how to stay focused on pleasing your audience and growing your business with podcasting.

– And Allison will be speaking at Podcast Movement Digital and her virtual course is on Marketing & Monetization Success Strategies.​ When you sign up using our code, foodheals we’ll give you early access to the digital talk!

By the way we are not affiliates to Podcast Movement, we just really believe in this movement and want to spread the love! See you there! 






Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU!

The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power of nutrition, living authentically, turning your passion into your career, choosing the best natural health and beauty products, the benefits of a plant-based diet and so much more!

Kathleen Moore is a psychic medium with over 25 years’ experience. From very young, she had the ability to see things differently and reach out to the spirit world. She sees into her clients’ future, and helps them connect with passed loved ones. Death not the end, it is merely a transformation of energy. They’re still here, but in a different form. Death is not a permanent separation. They’re simply gone home, back to the spirit world—a world intrinsically connected with the physical one. This is why it is possible to reach out to them. Listen now!


Kathleen is also an intuitive coach and spiritual counselor. She will help you uncover your truth, live a more authentic life, and find happiness. It’s a myth and an ego-trick to think happiness is hard—happiness is easy. Every challenging experience helps to bring you to a higher vibration, if you choose to perceive it that way. What you allow is what will occur—shift your perspective. See things from a place of love. Trust your intuition and your inner voice. After all, that is why we are here: to experience, to teach, to love, to bring our souls to a higher vibration.


And when it comes to love, Kathleen dispels the myth that we only have one soulmate. We have thousands! Some will be lovers, others platonic relationships. Some may last a year, others a lifetime. If you’re destined to be together, you will be.



What you’ll learn:

  • How to trust your intuition
  • How to listen to your inner voice
  • How to be happy
  • Why you have more than one soulmate
  • Which psychics to go to, and which to avoid
  • The difference between ego and intuition and how to recognize it
  • How your ego can trick you
  • Are we supposed to be monogamous?
  • How loved ones reach out from the spirit world
  • Why you have both destiny and free will



Our favorite moments:

@4:06 What crazy?

@10:49 What made the hairs on Suzy’s arms stand up?

@13:52 I’m not a crazy person!

@27:31 Show me a sign!

@46:06 Let’s get dark!




Call 330 554 8202 to make an appointment. Kathleen offers readings in person, by phone or skype




Sex at Dawn by Christopher Ryan



Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU!

The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power of nutrition, living authentically, turning your passion into your career, choosing the best natural health and beauty products, the benefits of a plant-based diet and so much more!